London: King’s College

Excellent location in center of London. English, Pre-Med, Film, Classics. Best for independent student who needs little on-site assistance. Expensive city. 3.3 gpa required. housing in varied locations; Total enrollment: 23,000; number of Americans: 200. Search the Course Catalog. “Module” = US “course.” Course selection: Semester–60 credits; Year–120 credits; at least half the course load above the first year level. Level 4 = 1st year; Level 5 = 2nd year; Level 6 = 3rd year.


Special Opportunities

  • Film Studies: Integrated Film Studies program with more theory than practice.
  • Music: Full-year Music students who study full-time solely in the department can take individual vocal or instrumental lessons at the Royal Academy of Music.
  • Pre-Medical Studies: Courses and clinical attachment in the School of Medicine; full-year students engage in a clinical research project.



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